I am Jumaniyazov Jasurbek Nazarboevich, was born on the data 22 of may in 1983, at the 7 brigade of Oqmachit f/u of Yangiariq district of Khorezm region. In my family has 7 members: ,my father, my mother, two sisters, two brother and me.
In 1990 I went to school named of Oqmachit which situated in Yangiariq district. I was very interested in learning and there for
I went to a lisey №39 in 1996..
In 2000 I finished that lisey with excellent marks and at that year I entered the History and low fakulty of the UrSU which named of Al-Khorezmiy. Now I am a last year student.
This year I passed the exam which organized by Unversity on the purpose to consolidate the study and learn foreign language deeply and I could be “gifted student”.
I have an intention to enter to master degree after graduating from the University.
E Mail:jasurshox@yahoo.com
I Shomirotova Nodira Jumabaevna was born on April, 27th, 1985 area Jangibazarskom of the Khorezm area of republic Uzbekistan in working to family. On a nationality I the Uzbek. Father Shamuratov Zhumaboj was born 1951 area Jangibazarskom. It the pensioner. Since 1991 I went to school № 20 areas Jangibazarskom. And to 2002 this school has finished. 2002 has published documents in УрГУ, on faculty of the physicist mathematical on a direction practical the mathematician and computer science. But has not acted. 2003 has acted in UrSU on faculty " the Nature conducting " branch of geography on a budgetary basis. Since 2003 till 2005 has studied 2 rates. At present being the student of a 3-rate branch geography. I have one выпушенная clause. It was published in March, 2002 in the newspaper " Yangibazar kuzgusi " a theme стати " Alisher Navoy sharifi muzri ", a theme of my future clause " zamonaviy geography darsi samaradorligini oshirish omillari ". At present I conduct научною work on a theme " Xorazm viloyati ijtimoiy ekologik xususiyatlari " .My work to study ecological conditions Khorezm of area. I am going to become in the future the good expert the teacher. E-mail:Nodir8527 mail.ru I was born in 1985 on 14th th of April in Bogot district of Khorazm region. My nationality is Uzbek. My father is a businessman, my mother works as an educator in the kindergarden of Bogot district. I went to secondary school called Beshariq in 1991.I became a pupil of the lyceum called Sirojiddinov in 1999.I gradated successfully the lyceum and was admitted to the natural sciences faculty of UrSU. Now days I am doing an experiment with my supervisor on the topic; »To study the species of soil fauna and biomass on areas under different irrigation modes in Khorazm oasis» in ZEF/UNESCO project. My researcher aim is to create monitoring of soil fauna of Khorazm oasis ,to study soil animals and to compare different soil fauna. My future goal is to continue my research , to study English language and my specialty very well ,in order to improve my knowledge to go abroad and contribute the improvement of ecological condition of Khorazm oasis . I took part in exams which were held in Tashkent this year for «Presidential scholarship» and I was granted a state scholarship called «Mirzo Ulugbek» My email is: faridaxon@mail.ru Articles 1 «To study the species of soil fauna and biomass in Khorazm oazis» Ilm sarchashmalari №3 2005year of termit of the Khorezm oazis Vestnik Nukus 2004 №3-4 39-40 pages I am Jabborova Mavluda. I was born on 20th October in 1984 in Khiva, in educated family. My nationality is Uzbek. My mother Janibekova Rohat is an economist. My father Jabborov Jumanazar is a poet. In 1991 I went to school №1 in Khiva. In 1999 I finished 9th form and entered to academic liseum on the base of UrSU. After graduating the liseum I entered to economic faculty of UrSU .I am a smart student of UrSU. Nowadays I am studing on the 4th course of this faculty. I am working on my research and diploma work. My research is about «Ways of preventions of bankruptcy in enterprises» and Dipoma work named «Developing of credit system in commercial banks» . My future plan is to learn English better, and study for the masters degree. E.mail: mavluda_jabborova@yahoo.com I’m Matrizayeva Dilorom . I was born on 8 th of June in 1986 in Dashoguz.(Republic of Turkmenistan) in educated family. My nationality is Uzbek. My father Matrizayev Yusupbay is an engineer. My mother Fayzullayeva Ra’no is a teacher In 1992 I went to school № 18 in Dashoguz. In 2002 I finished school and entered economic faculty of UrSU. I am a smart student of UrSU from 2004 y. Nowadays I am studying on 4th course of this faculty. In 2004 y I published articles about my research “The way of developing of small and middle business In Kharezm region. My supervisor is S. Salaev. Nowadays I am working on my research diploma work My research is about “Role of small business in racing macro economical stability”. My future plan is study for the masters degree. E.mail:Dilya_talaba@rambler.ru I’m Gulchehra Palvanova Oktamboevna was born in Urgench city at well educated family on 17th of June in 1986. I’m uzbek. Father- Palvanov Oktam , retired. Mother- Umarova Saodatxon , retired. In 1992 I went to the school number 8. In 1997 I entered to the lyceum number 21,when I was in form 6. In 2003 I graduated from that lyceum with excellent marks and that year I entered for scholaship the faculty of history and law.At the moment I’m a junior of that faculty . I’m the member of the political party National Democratic Party. Together with the studies , I conduct scientific work according to the there “Role of settled population in the appearance of ancient statehood “. This is the very topic of the day of our history. My purpose appears to introduce contribution to the description of the history of statehood of Uzbekistan based on the example of the ancient settled population of Khorezm. I’m going to act in a magistracy. e-mail:guli18@rambler.ru I Tajieva Iroda Karimberganovna was born on January, 30th, 1985 in the Khorezm area of area Shavat in villages O.Hidirova. Family is engaged in farmer business. My father: Tajiev Karimboy Raximovich-the farmer My mother: Rajabova Sanamjon Masharipovna-the pensioner My nationality is Uzbek In 1992 I went to school-29 in village O.Hidirova. In 2003 I finished school and entered to on the budget of pedagogical faculty of UrSU. Nowadays I am studying at 3-course of this faculty. And also I from a 1-rate am engaged in "track and field athletics". I participated in "Universiada-2004" (Samarkand), "Sports" (Djizzak) and in other competitions. In 2-rates I am studying well language in Freanch and computer science. Now I am a smart student of UrSU. I published articles about “Pedagogical technology” in “Ta’lim taraqqiyoti” in 2005,and I work at my research work “The ways of practical metody”. А-MAIL: mazzi85@mail.ru barchin_irka@yahoo.com I'm Yakubova Nilufar Egamberganovna was born 1985 on July, 4th in the city of Tashkent area Hamzinskim in families ученных. In our family 6 person: the father, mother, 2 sisters, the brother and I. Otets-Yakubov Egambergan, the chief of operative group in city of Nukus. Mat-Yakubov Ruzigul, the methodologist in institute of improvement of professional skill. 1991 I have gone to liceum № 300 cities of Tashkent. I continued study in 1994 in liceum № 21 it. Агахии in the city of Urgench. 2001 has left school, in 2002 on the basis of grandee роступила in УрГУ on Philological faculty. At present I am the student of a 4-rate of this faculty. In 2005 it has been accepted in a circle of the Presented students. Национальность-the Uzbek. I am a member of a party of NDR. On the given moment I work above дирломной work. A theme of mine дирломной works: " Use of consonants in modern Uzbek language. Having ended study I gather роступить in a magistracy. E-MAIL: nilu-4@mail.ru . -Babajanova Shukurjon, a pensioner. 1990 I have gone to school № 9 areas Shavatskogo.. 2001 has left school, in 2002 on the basis of grandee has acted in УрГУ on Philological faculty. At present I am the student of a 4-rate of this faculty. In 2004-05 it has been accepted in a circle of Presented students УрГУ.. I am a member of party ФМДП. On the given moment I work above degree work. A theme of my degree work: " In M.Jusufa's poetry an image of the person ". Having ended study I am going to act in a magistracy. E-MAIL: zuli_22.84@I Asqarova Zulayho Yangibaevna was born 1984 on June, 29th in area Shavatskogo Khorezm areas of Republic Uzbekistan, in families of workers. .Национальность-the Uzbek In our family 9 person. I was born in 1984 on 17 th of january in Urgench city center of Kharem. My nationality is uzbek. In 1991 went to secondary school number five which placed in Urgench city.1997 I managed to enter uzbek-turkish boys lyceum. In 2002 I graduated lyceum with good marks and I was admitted to UrSU faqulty of economy. Now a days I am studieng fourth year of the faqulty. Last year I was able to be smart student. And this year I also can be a smart student of UrSU. I interested in econometry and modeling. My future plans to learn economy and foreign language. Also improve my knowledge by studieng at universities of foreign country. And to be professional economist. After that use all of my knowledge to develop economy of Uzbekistan. I am Matniyozova Iqboloy. I was born on 4th January in 1985 in Urgench in educated family. My nationality is Uzbek. My father Matniyozov Bahrom is an enjeneer- builder. My mother Boltayeva Zulfiya is an enjeneer- technologer. In 1991 Iwent to school №4 in Urgench. In 1999 I fineshed 9th form and entered to academic liseum on the base of UrSU. After graduating the liseum I entered to economic faculty of UrSU. I am smart student of UrSU. Nowadays I am studing on the 4th course of this faculty and I am working on my research and diploma work. My research is about «Developing of favorable credit system in commercial banks of Uzbekistan» . My Diploma work and research is the same. My future plan is to learn English better and study for the masters degree. E. Mail:mtnyzv@yahoo.com 9th form I entered to the Academic lyceum. In 2002 I finished Academic lyceum and that year I entered Urgench State University. At that time I study Chemical- technological faculty of Urgench University. I am going to become technologist. To become a good technologist I study hard at my subject. I learn chemistry, physics and technology of production. Besides I learn English. I like English very much. In future I dream to continue my education abroad. I want to study Magistracy in England. I am not married yet. My name is Masharipova Zamira. I was born on 8 avgust 1984 in Urgench City, Uzbekistan. I have a family and I am the third of three children. My father is an engineer. My mother is a teacher. In 1990 I went to ordinary secondary school named after Al-Horazmiy. In 1999, after finishing E-mail: alisha8@rambler.ru I have accepted to the 32 school in Khonqa districkt and graduated this school. I’m Khasanov Azamat Ozodovich was born in may 9 1985 y. My father Xasanov Ozod is an injener. My mother Yusupova Tojigul is a teacher. On the village Olaja Honka districkt of Khorezm region school on 2001y. In 2002y I past test at the Urganch State University and have accepted as a student Engineering-technical faculty. Right now, I’m a student on the 4 course this faculty. I have a supervisor for doing my research in direction of “ The topologic study Mosque of White ” and I have published 2 papers on the journals. ”. My future plan is study for the masters degree. E-mail:azamat_x85@mail.ru I’m Khusainova Manzura was born on 26 May, 1984 in the Republic of Uzbekistan, in Khorezm region, Urgench city in intelligent family. My nationality is uzbek. My parents are doctors. In 1991 went to the secondary school №7. In 1999 I have finished 9- form and I have entered to academic lyceum under Urgench State University. In 2002 I have finished the lyceum with excellent marks and that year entered to UrSU to the faculty of natural science into department of the chemistry-technology. At present I’m a student of 4-course. At the moment I concern with scientific work on the theme: ''Development of the processes of the reception material from glass''. My purpose in the future is to continue my scientific work, study French, carefully study my profession, continue at possibility education in abroad and to introduce my contribution to the development of new technologies of production. E-mail: Belle200584@ mail.ru I am Nurmetova Oysha Rozzokovna .I was born in village of Hohqa,reyion of Khorezm in September 6,1984 in the familu of worker. I habe received for 1- form to school of number 25. I was finished that schools 11- form in 2001 with the best marks. I have recened first year to speeiality of Agronomia faculty of Agromenegment in Khiva of Urgench state University . My Farther:Nurmetov Rozzok was born in village Uzb,distvict of Honqa repion of Khorezm in Iuly 3,1935 .He is pensioner. My mother:Nurmetova Ruzigul was born in Iune 15 ,1952.She is pensioner. There are 13 c hildren of Uz.I am the tenth.3elder brother ahd 6 elder sisters are married.2 brothers are studying in schod I am Tojieva Feruza Jumabaevna was born in Horezm Urgench region on 23 rg of novemberin 1985. I graduatedfrom wizomiy school number 1 with hing grades. I entered to tht Urgtnch state vaiversiti the faculty of histori and law non about my famili. We are five people in our famili. My father is a engeneer. My mother is a urchitector. My sister is a student and my brother is a pupil. And now about my pobeision. I have more than is articlts. Nowadays I am norhihg on the ideas of formihg independent state in the actions for freedom with my superwison Tangirova H. At the moment I am a smare student. This year I won a scholarship «Navoiy». So I get an ability of becjming a magester. E – mail ftj @ rambler. rг I Samandarov Hikmat was born on April, 12th, 1986 in the city of Khiva of the Khorezm area. On a nationality the Uzbek. In 1992 I have been accepted in the first class in school of name Аваза Утара in the city of Khiva. In 1994 I continued studies at school № 19 in the city of Urgench. In 1998 I have acted in Uzbek - Turkish liceum. In 2003 I have successfully ended lyceum and have acted in economic faculty UrGu. The given moment I do scientific work on a theme " the Role automobile the industries in the period of market economy in Uzbekistan ". In the following I want, will continue my scientific work, to study English and to continue studies abroad. I Karimov Umid was born on April, 30th, 1986 in area Siyop of the Samarkand area. On a nationality the Uzbek. In 1992 I have been accepted in the first class in school № 18 in the city of Urgench. In 1998 I have acted in Uzbek - Turkish liceum. In 2003 I have successfully ended liceum and have acted in Physical and mathematical faculty UrGu. The given moment I do scientific work on a theme " Formula МКДФ for the adapted device ". In the following I want, will continue my scientific work, to study English and to continue studies abroad. I Matniyozov Ikrom was born on September, 23rd, 1984 in area Urgench of the Khorezm area. On a nationality the Uzbek. The father: Матниёзов Хожиназар, the pensioner. Mother: Ruzmetova Sharif, the housewife. In 1990 I have been accepted in the first class in school of a name of S.Kalandarov in area Urgench. In 1998 I have acted in Bank коллеж. In 2001 I have successfully ended коллеж. In 2002 I have acted in economic faculty UrGu. The given moment I do degree work on a theme " Economic developments and фаравонлик the population in Uzbekistan ". In the following I want, will continue my scientific work, to study English and to continue studies abroad. I am Sobirova Charos Atamamatovna. I was born on 28th march in 1985 in Kushkupir in educated family. My nationality is Uzbek.My father Sobirov Atamamat is teacher. My mother Qarayeva Ullibibi is teacher. In 1991 I went to school№24 in Kushkupir. In 2001 I finished school . In 2003 I entered to Pedagogical faculty(BT va STI) of the UrSU by bud jet. Nowadays I am studying at 3-course and I am a smart student of this University. I am trying learn French language. I worked at research work about “Technique of training of national folklore ” . The main of my research about to study a role and influence of such elements of folklore proverbs of a riddle of a rapid speech in twisted development of pupils in we shall expand their outlook and outlook. In 2005 I have published clause " interactive methods in initial classes in the University newspaper. I am going to become in the future the good expert-of initial classes and to bring worthy in business young generation. E-mail: charosxon85@mail.ru I Xusainova Sayyotxon, was born in 1986 on May, 24th area Kushkupyr in the Republic of Uzbekistan, in Khorezm region. My nationality is uzbek . In 1992 me have accepted in первий a class of high school № 23 In 2003 I have ended № 23 school with distinction. In 2003 I have acted on faculty of World Languages UrSU on specialities French language. Father:Xusainov Bektetdi was born в1965 to a year on January, 1st area Kushkupyrskom in the Khorezm area. Works in regional " Paxta bank ". Mother:Raxmanova Shirin was born in 1965 1september area Kushkupyrs in the Khorezm area. I Holikova Dinara Arturovna, was born on January, 18th, 1985 in the city of Urgench of the Khorezm area of Republic Uzbekistan. On a nationality of tatar. The father: Halikov Arthur Zahidovich, worker. Mother: Ametova Rose Maxmudovna, the seamstress. 1992 I was accepted to school №7 in Urgench city. 2003 I left the given school. And that year I acted to UrSU on economic faculty. On a direction management .Now I am studying on 3 rd rate. At the present time I am conducting research work on a theme " the Role of the state in management and in development of the international tourism ". The purpose of my research work is to find out a problem in sector of the international tourism to analyze all the facts and to develop correct the decision of these problems. I wish to enclose the work in development of tourism in our country. E-mail: Gaviota18-85@mail.ru Gaviota18-85@rambler.ru. I Atojonov Sarvar Sultonboevich, was born on October, 28th, 1985 in the city of Urgench of the Khorezm area of Republic Uzbekistan. On a nationality the Uzbek. The father: Atojonov Sultonboy Polyazovich, the pensioner. Mother: Rakhimov Yarkinay Yarkosovna, teacher. In 1992 me have imparted in school № 7. Then to 1993 I was translated in school № With 22 cities of Urgench. 2003 I have left school perfectly well. And in same year I have acted in UrSU, on faculty " Histories and low " in a direction " Basis of spirituality, the right and idea of national independence " on the basis of the contract. At present I work under clauses. " The terrorism does not know barrier ", " the Way to a policy through political reason ". And also now I scientific -research work refers to " author's the rights ". Mine about scientific the teacher call Alloberganov Karimboy. An essence of mine of scientifically research work, the invention of professors and people and also product of writers to explain to them concept of "Copyright". That at them was though a little bit about " Author's are right ". In the future I wish to become the professional lawyer. E-mail: antey9@rambler.ru I, Аshirov Javlon Jumanazarovich was born on April, 10th, 1984 in the city of Urgench in intelligent family. My father: Ashirov Jumanazar - woker. My mother: Taganova Qurbanjan- the secretary in "Umid" street. Nationality: the Uzbek. In 1991 year has gone to the first class of high school № 14 cities of Urgench. In 2002 year has acted on physical and mathematical faculty UrSU. Present time I am the student of 4-th rate. In 2005 year has been accepted in numbers of presented students UrSU. At present I conduct scientific researches on a theme " Generalization some inequalities ". On a theme of the scientific work I publish clauses. On this theme I conduct degree and scientific work. In the future I am going to act for a magistracy and to continue the scientific work. e-mail: javlon-a@mail.ru I’m Otajonov Hayrullo Sultonovich was born in November 22 1981 y. on the village Guliston Qo’shko’pir districkt of Khorezm region. I have accepted to the 35 school in Qo’shko’pir districkt and graduate this school on 1998y. In 2002y I past test at the Urganch State University and have accepted as a student Engineering-technical faculty. Right now, I’m a student on the 4 course this faculty. THE CURRICULUM VITAE My name is Matjonov Bekjon Ravshanbekovich and I was born on 2th January in 1983 in Kushkupir in educated family. My nationality is Uzbek. My fathers name is Matjonov Ravshan, he is dentist. My mothers name is Ahmedova Norposhsha and she is a teacher. In 1989 I went to school №29 in Kushkupir. In 1999 I entered college of technology. In 2002, after graduating the college I entered to economy faculty of UrSU. Now a days I am studying in 4 – course of this faculty. In 2005 I able to be a smart student of UrSU. Now a days I work on my diploma and research work and published articles. Title of my article is “Advantages of regional agro reforms of Uzbekistan”. My diploma and research work about it too. In sphere of market economy Uzbekistan having agro economy and giving main attention to regional economy. My future plan is studying for the masters degree and continue my research plans. e-mail: mr_bekjon@yahoo.com My full name is Bobojonov Umidbek. I was born in 1985, on 23 rd October in Urgench city. My nationality is Uzbek. Our family consists of four persons. My father’s full name is Bobojonov Komiljon. He was born in 1960, on 23 May in Urgench city. He is a teacher. My mother’s full name is Kamalova Ravilya. She was born in 1962, on 16 April. I am eldest son of our family. In 1991, I was accepted to middle school named after Komiljon Otaniyazov. I got a guid education at that school and then in 1998, I was accepted 6-litsey. In 2002, I graduated that litsey with excellent marks. At that year I entered to the economical faculty of Urgench State University. At present time, I am trying to do my scientific researches about topic which named after “Offshore companies, their characters and influences to economy of the country”. Also, I am trying to write articles about those topics. I am very interested in English language. I’m Zaripova Matluba, was born in 1984 29 Septembers in Khorezm province, Khiva city in the educated family. My nationality is Uzbek. My in 1991 I started going to school named after M. Otabayeva. In 2001 I finished school with honours in 2002 I entered Urgench stale Universitg, the faculty of nature- sciences, chemistry and technology department. Non I am a fourth-year student and doing scientific work on the theme “Recycling of later melon and getging juice, concentrates from it”. In future my ambition is to continue my scientific nort and learning French, to make best progress on my own special ty, study in abrood and do some contribution in producing new produst. Email.lyuba_xiva@mail.ru I am Qalandarov Umidbek Ravshanbekovich, was born on the data 28 of november in 1985, at the first brigade of A.O’tar f/u of Yangiariq district of Khorezm region. In my family has 7 members: my grandmother,my father,my mother,two sisters,brother and me. In 1991 I went to school named of A.O’tar which situated in Yangiariq district. I was very interested in learning and therefor I went to a lisey named of N.Kubro in 1998.In 2000 I went to Zamaxshariy lisey number of 11 for different cause,for continue And deepen my study. In 2002 I finished that lisey with excellent marks and at that year I entered the economical fakulty of the UrSU which named of Al-Khorezmiy.Now I am a last year student. This year I passed the exam which organized by Unversity on the purpose to consolidate the study and learn foreign language deeply and I could be “gifted student”. Now I am conducting scientific work on the theme of ”factors of stable develop the zone” with my scientific instructor who is a dean of our faculty. I have an intention to enter to master degree after graduating from the University. I Кuchkarov Mansur Quzibaevich was born on October 14, 1985 y. in Village “Urtayop” Kushkuprik distrct,Khorazm region. Nationality Uzbek. My father Кuchkarov Kuzibay does’t work. My mother Raximbaeva Jumagul also does’t work. She is the pensioner. In 1992 I have accepted to school the name of K.Avezov. In 1999 I have continued study in a Liceum - boarding school of foreign languages under number 1. In 2003 years finished Liceum and I have accepted as a student in UrSU at the faculty Engenering-technical for speciality " Expluatation transport means " on the grant. Now I ‘m the student of a 3-rate. At the given moment I work above research work by theme " Analyze of the engine system of automobile”. E mail mansurq@rambler.ru I, Janibekov Sanjar Sardorbekovich was born on February, 6th, 1985 in the city of Urgench in intelligent family. My father: Janibekov Sardor - director of football club " Галаба ". My mother: Maxmudova Shukurjon the-teacher at school № 14 of Urgench. Nationality: the Uzbek. In 1991 year has gone to the first class of high school № 14 cities of Urgench. In 2002 year has acted on faculty Agromenezhmenta UrSU. Present time I am the student of 4-th rate. In 2005 year has been accepted in numbers of presented students UrSU. At present I conduct scientific researches on a theme . On a theme of the scientific work I publish clauses. On this theme I conduct degree and scientific work. In the future I am going to act for a magistracy and to continue the scientific work. e-mail:ursu-shm@mail.ru I am Musaev Temur.I was born in Urgench, in 1985,July23 My national is Uzbek.There are five members in our family. I am second child.Father works at the facture.My mother is teacher,but at the moment she doesn’t work.I went to infant school in 1992 named after Axmadjan Ibragimov by number №14.I studied in this school during four years.I went to new school in 1996 and History was special subject there.I learned history there and studied from form 5 untill 11.I finished that school in 2003 with red atestat.This year I submitted my documents to the Urgench State University to the department of Chemical technology.I took examination and I entered to that department. At the moment, I am 3rd year student. Some of the my articles was printed on the magazine of University,which called “Ilm sarchashmalri”. Matter of my first article is ” Boiling of glases I have two articles. And I am going to write a new article about using energy of the Sun . E.mail: timur_guitar@yahoo.com My full name is Jumaniyozov Umrbek Ilhomovich. I was born in 1985, on 7th november in Urgench city. My nationality is Uzbek. Our family consist of five persons. My father’s full name is Jumaniyozov Ilhomboy Shermatovich. He was born in 1961, on 30 july in Urgench city. He is an archetector. My mother’s full name is Sharipova Gulsara Sultanovna. She was born in 1962, on 12 Desember in Urgench city. I am eldest son of our family. In 1992, I was accepted to middle school named after Mirzo Ulugbek. I got a guid education at that school and then in 1996, I was accepted lisseun which was specialized to subject history. In 2003, I graduated that lisseum with excellent marks. At that year I entered to the economical faculty of Urgench State University. At present time, I am trying to do my scientific researches about topic which named after “Offshore companies, their characters and influences to economy of the country”. Also, I am trying to write articles about that topics. I am very interested in English language. Also, I am member Educational Advising Center of American Council. E MAIL: umrbek_jumaniyozov@yahoo.com I-Musaeva Dilnur Madiyorobna was born in Tashkent в1985 to a year on November, 11th. 1992 has gone to the first class in 14ую average школу.1996 to year me have accepted in liceum № 21 names Agaxiy. In 2002 has left school, and has the same year acted in UrSU, in faculty of Philology. Now I study in the fourth rate of this faculty. Father-Musaev Madiyor was born in 1957, Urgench, a forage, ма " works at a factory " Mother-R.Zulfiya was born in 1957, works in liceum of name Agaxiy as the teacher. Brother-Musaev Mansur Madiyorovich was born in 1982, studies on a magistracy in ToshDU.Janet. I am uzbek. Uzbekistan, Khorezm area, the city of Urgench st, Andizhan 62 And the house. I-Niyazova Nafosat Ulug`bekovna was born in the city of Khiva 1982 on November, 30th. 1988 has gone to the first class in high school № 9. In 1997 has ended the ninth class of high school and has acted in Khivan pedagogical college .в 2001 perfectly having ended pedagogical college, In 2002 has acted in UrSU in faculty of Philology. Now I study in the fourth rate of this faculty. Father-Niyazov Ulug`bek Gafforovich was born in 1950, в.2000 to year has died Mother-Matkarimova Ojbibi was born in 1950, works as the teacher in college Senior brother-Niyazov Zhasurbek Ulugbekovich was born in 1975, works in tax inspection. It is married. Sister-Niyazova Nazokat Ulugbekovna was born in 1976 to year, works in high school № As 6 teacher. Married. Younger brother-Niyazov Mansurbek Ulugbekovich was born in 1978 to year, works С.С.П.О, the bookkeeper. It is married. I am engaged in scientific work on the specialty on a theme " Functional synonyms of the Uzbek language ". : I am uzbek. :Uzbekistan, Khorezm area, the city of Khiva, street Bypass, the 65-house. I am Sadulleva Irina Matkarimovna was born in Urgench city of worker family on 21 of august in 1985. Father- Sadullaev Matkarim retired. Mother- Sadullaeva Napisa retired. In 1992 I went to the school number 18 in Urgench city. In 1997 I entered to the lyceum number 21 named Agahiy. In 2003 I graduated from that lyceum and that year Ientered for scholar ship the faculty of history and law. I am the member of the National Democratic Party «I am Uzbek» I comduct scintific work according to the «Uzbekiston in transition in statehood I am going to act in a magistracy. Irina 8505@rambler.ru I, Saidov Dilshod Razzaqovich, for the sake of лас in October, 1986 27th in Khoresm, Urgench area in семе teachers. Father-Saidov Razzaq the teacher Mother-Matnazarova Zevarjon now the pensioner, was the teacher. I began the study at school number one. Has left school in 2002 and the same year has acted in Urgench the State University on economic faculty and now учюсна the fourth rate. E.mail: saidov_dilshodd@yahoo.com I am Sobirov Sardor.I was born in Shovot, in 1983,November 30 My national is Uzbek.There are eight members in our family. I am second child.Father works at the ingener.My mother is a householder.I went to infant school in 1990 named after R.Bobojonov by number №32.I studied in this school during 8 years.I went to new school in 1997 to Shovot litseum.I finished that school in 2002 with red attestat.This year I submitted my documents to the Urgench State University to the department of fiziks and mathematiks.I took examination and I entered to that department.At the moment, I am 4 year student. E-MAIL:sardors83@mail.ru I Atajanova Lola, was born in 1984 July, 28th area Shavat in the Khorezm area in family of the worker. A nationality the Uzbek. In 1990 me have accepted in the first class of high school № 36 In 1999 I have acted to the academic liceum. In 2002 I have acted on faculty of World Languages Urgench of the State University on a specialty of English language. Now I study on the fourth rate on this specialty. Father:Atajanov Ozad, the pharmacist. Mother:Allanazarova Zulfuya, the pharmacist. Now I work on a theme of " Feature of product of Shakespeare ". E mail: lola84uz@rambler.ru My full name is Bobojonovа Оygul. I was born in 1987, on 22 nd august in Urgench city. My nationality is Uzbek. Our family consists of four persons. My father’s full name is Bobojonov Komiljon. He was born in 1960, on 23 May in Urgench city. He is a teacher. My mother’s full name is Kamalova Ravilya. She was born in 1962, on 16 April. In 1993, I was accepted to middle school named after Komiljon Otaniyazov. I got a guid education at that school. In 2003, I graduated that school with excellent marks. At that year I entered to the Physics-mathematical faculty of Urgench State University. At present time, I am trying to do my scientific researches about topic which named after “The algorithms of solving Shturm-Luivill differential equation”. Also, I am trying to write articles about those topics. I am very interested in English language. Email: oygul.bk.ru I Bekchanov Ne’matjon Marimboevich was born on July, 14th, 1985 in area of Urgench of the Khorezm area, Republic Uzbekistan. Father: Bekchanov Marimboy YUsupboevich, the pensioner. Mother: Tojieva Ugiljon Bobajanovna, the pensioner. 1992 me went in school № A.Navoi's 20 names in area of Urgench. 2003 I have left school and to a basis of the grant have acted in UrSU on faculty of History and the Right in a direction of the right. Now I the student of a 3-rate. On a nationality I the Uzbek. At present to издателству 3 clauses, they следущие are ready: " In the state of Francs a crime and punishment ", " this Constitution ours главний the law ", " New reforms in the field of адвакатуры ". Theme of mine научна research work it " Reforms in the field of адвакатуры in Uzbekistan ". The purpose my research робаты состаит what to show, what the body адвакатуры in increase прававого knowledge of people matters. My purpose in the future perfectly to finish University and to act in ТАШГУ on a faculty of law for the second speciality. And as I wish to receive still knowledge in for border. And the future I wish to become professional адвакатом. E MAIL: dhont@rambler.ru I, Yuldasheva Shoira Davronbekovna, was born on September, 2nd, 1985 in village "CHinobod" Khivan area of the Khorezm area. Per 1992 has gone 1-st class to high school № 20 Khivan areas. In 2003 has finished 11 class of the given school and in same to year has acted on 1-st rate in physical and mathematical faculty Urgench of the state University where now I study on 3 rate. The father: Yuldashev, on September, 9th, 1964 birthes, the native of Khivan area of the Khorezm area, works as the teacher to evening school of Khiva; Mother: Ibragimova Sayyora, on October, 30th, 1965 birthes, the native of Khivan area of the Khorezm area, works as the expert to labour exchange of Khivan area; I and my close relatives now we live to the address of: the Khorezm area, Khivan area, sh/х it. "Al-Xorazmiy" бр. № 10. Juldasheva Sh.D. I Abdullaev Mansur Masharipovich was born in area Kushkupir on May, 12th, 1983. On a nationality - the Uzbek. Our family consists from three person. The father; Abdullaev Masharib - the pensioner. Матъ; Matyaqubova Soliya - the pensioner. I have acted in school № - B.Rajabov 4 names in 1990. In 2000 I have finished liceum - a boarding school of Foreign languages. In 2000 I have acted in Urgench State University of a name Is scarlet – Al-Xorazmiy During the distant moment I study faculty History and the rights and a basis of spirituality of the right and idea of national independence. |
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