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Feruza Jumanazarovna Masharipova
26 Aybek, Apt.26
Kushkupir, 741100
/ Khorezm / Uzbekistan
(8-362) 32-91-591

School#25, Kushkupir an English teacher and the Head of Methodological Unit (1999-present)
 Teaching classes from 5 th -11 th.
 Designing, developing English teaching curriculum and plans.
 Organizing extra curricular activities .
Urgench State University Part time Lecturer (03/2004 present)
 Conduct presentations and workshops on Civic Education.
 Delivering lectures on English and American Studies.
 Act as member of international section.
Lyceum#1, Kushkupir An English teacher (1997-1999)
 Teaching classes from 8 th -11 th.
 Designing, developing English teaching curriculum and plans.
 Organizing extra curricular activities .

California Chico University, Certificate (06/2003 07/2003)
Department of International Education Urgench State University,Urgench, Uzbekistan
Diploma (08/1992-07/1997) Department of World Language
2002-2003 ● in ACCELS / American Councils for Collaboration in Education and
Language Study / programs
● participated in the United States ─ Uzbekistan Award for Excellence in
teaching program and became a national winner
● Presented a cultural presentation Khiva is the pearl of Orient at a

conference for international teachers at the University of Columbia, South Carolina
● Attended various workshops, conferences, trainings held by ACCELS, OSI SOROS,
UzTEA, British Councils, RELO, IREX in Uzbekistan
● Presented a presentation (at the sixth national UzTEA conference) Situations
or guided conversations for Language proficiency.
 Presented a presentation at the Central Asian Teachers Excellence Conference
in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan about Developing Students Critical thinking and Tolerance through Voice of America articles.
 The Best teacher of the 2002 year, sponsored by Ministry of Education
Other Skills and Interests: Local correspondent of the newspapers and

Khadjiniyazov Sardar
I am from Uzbekistan. My home university is Urgench State University, where I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology. My field of study is Educational Administration. During my first semester at UNL, I attended four courses, including English as a Second Language and made two presentations about educational system of Uzbekistan (Powerpoint). I also participated at the annual conference of the National Rural Education Association at Kearney, Nebraska, and an Nebraska International Multicultural Exchange Conference.
Educational and Academic interests: Rural Education Higher Education Management Aesthetic upbringing of students Contructive Pedagogy
Hobbies: Country music, traveling and soccer.
Email:sardelka80@yahoo.com khsardor@mail.ru
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