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Azimbay Sadullaevich Sadullaev - rector Urgench the state university of name Al-Khorezmiy, the doctor of the physicist of mathematical sciences, the professor. Is chairman of Academy Mamuna, the Mathematical society of the USA. Is engaged in the theory of functions of many complex variables. The author 60 scientific works, the published editions of many countries. Tel: 2266166
Fax: 2263544

Choponov Otanazar Otajanovich. The first the pro-rector on -to educational work. Cand.Phil.Sci., the senior lecturer.
Tel: 2221674
E-mail: choponov02@mail.ru

Davletov Ikrom Yusupovich. Davletov Ikrom Yusupovich . The pro-rector on study. The candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, the senior lecturer. The author of 65 scientific articles and about 10 educational -methodical grants. Tel:2263567
E-mail: davletov_urdu@yahoo.com

Jumaniyazov Maqsud Jabbiyevich. The pro-rector on study. The doctor of the chemist about -technological sciences, the senior lecturer. The pro-rector on economy and business.
Tel: 22 43598
E-mail: jabbiyevich@mail.ru

Iskandarov Rajabboy. The pro-rector on economy and business.
Tel: 2260909
E-mail: irajabboy2002@mail.ru
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